Events beginning with this week's Friday Night Dinner:
Please remember that the annual placing of Flags on Veterans graves at Fairview Cemetery is Saturday, 5/10 and volunteers are needed! Meet at the Post in time to leave by 8:30am or meet at the cemetery for 9am (route 35 South diagonally opposite Whole Foods). We and AL post 515 would appreciate your help with the placing of these Flags in time for Memorial Day! There are 2,400 Veteran graves at Fairview dating back to the French & Indian wars (pre Revolutionary War). We do our best to place a Flag on as many Veterans graves as we can but we need help to make it happen because we don't want any Veteran forgotten. Please share and join us on Saturday 5/10. Thank you! (In the event of severe weather, the 'rain date' is Saturday, 5/17).
Also on Saturday, 5/10 is the Installation of VFW Officers and Auxiliary ceremony at dinner at 8pm.
On Friday, 5/16, from 5pm to 8pm at the Post, American Legion Post 515 will host an AL 515 Helps Its Own pasta fundraiser dinner for their member, Bill Fraser, who has been battling cancer for over a year, to help with medical bills. Bill is a Vietnam Veteran and a member in good standing with VFW 4303, the Elks, and a supporter of the Knights Of Columbus. $10 per person. Please share to help spread the word so we can all show Bill we care and support him for all his service to God and Country!
Monday, 5/26 is Memorial Day and we will be doing the annual 5 Monuments ceremonies with a ceremony at the Post.
*More updates to the Post calendar coming soon!!!